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How to fix Prestahop error 502 Bad Gateway ?

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The answer in detail: fix Prestahop error 502 Bad Gateway

Nginx works as a proxy for the Apache web server. Nginx works with the PHP-FPM daemon. Nginx works alongside other services as a gateway. Misconfiguration of buffering or timeout. Before exploring the different options, it is important to know the meaning of the 502 Bad Gateway error message. This is an HTTP status code error, and it is triggered by the gateway. What exactly is a gateway? A gateway functions as an access point or bridge that connects one service to another. In this case, the gateway could be a running program or service that receives requests from the Nginx web server. Nginx as a proxy for Apache In this example, the gateway used is Apache. If you are using Nginx as a proxy for Apache If Apache fails or is not configured properly, it can lead to the 502 Bad Gateway error. What can be done to correct it? Most of the time, restarting the Apache web server resolves this issue, but you should examine the logs to determine the exact cause. Nginx using PHP-FPM is similar to the Apache example, suppose your PHP daemon stops working or gets overwhelmed with requests, it won't work properly and all PHP requests to nginx won't be processed, and you'll get a error 502 Bad Gateway will appear. What can you do to solve this problem? Restart the php-fpm server, then check the logs. Nginx with other services/applications: try restarting the other service behind nginx and explore the logs to find out why this happened. Increase buffering and timeouts in the http block. Make sure your php-fpm service is listening according to what you configured in nginx. Edit the www.conf file (in CentOS it is in /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf). Disable APC caching if used, try Xcache instead, APC can cause these kinds of problems in particular environments by causing segmentation faults.
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What is a Prestashop 502 bad gateway error ?

Status code 502 (Bad Gateway) indicates that the server, acting as a proxy or gateway, received an unsatisfactory response from the server it accessed to fulfill the request. Every time you visit a website, your browser sends a message to the web server. The web server processes the request and then returns the requested resource with an HTTP header and an HTTP status code. Generally, the HTTP status code is not visible unless there is a problem. It's basically how the servers alert you that something is wrong, and also provide you with instructions on how to fix it. Are you interested in launching an e-commerce site? You may have heard of PrestaShop. PrestaShop is easy to learn. PrestaShop, developed in France, allows you to create online stores using an open-source solution. PrestaShop is an e-commerce CMS (Content Management System). It allows you to manage the content of your e-commerce site. As you already know, this solution will allow you to easily manage your store.
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Unable to connect to Prestahop error 502 Bad Gateway

Sometimes you are unable to login to Prestashop Back-Office, 502 Bad Gateway error is displayed after login. Try to change the module name "Gamification" to GamificationOLD... Prestashop is loading files from outside, and sometimes the attempt fails due to the fact that it is unable to locate files from outside. If you would like to know more or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will be happy to help you quickly. I encounter the 502 Bad gateway problem error when a customer who has already arrived and re-logged into their account and attempts to place an order. When creating an account, the entire ordering process works as normal. If the customer logs out and then comes back a few days later after placing the item in their cart when they click the checkout button, error code 502 is displayed.
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