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How to install and configure Verified Reviews in PrestaShop ?

Welcome to the intervention specialist on Prestashop.
Web2007 is at your entire disposal for ALL your Prestashop needs.

The answer in detail: installation and configuration PrestaShop Verified Reviews

On the Modules tab, click Add New Module. If the module archive is on the Internet, specify its URL in the Module URL field and click Download this module. If the archive is on your computer, click on Browse to open the dialog box allowing you to browse the tree structure of your disk, select the file then validate the dialog box. Then click Download this Verified Reviews module. The module then appears in the list of modules in the Modules tab. You can call on Web2007 and entrust it with the integration and the complete configuration/configuration.

Examples of Reviewed and Verified issues on Prestashop.

My review module is displayed on my homepage, but in very small size on the side. It should be large and include customer feedback. If possible, it should be in a slider. I do not know what to do. Hello, I see the Avis and verified logo on the PS product page. But not the tab. Clicking on the logo takes you to the page. The inspector has confirmed that the tab panel contains the data. However, the tab title does not appear in the tab. It is impossible to display the content. I've tried checking several times, but I can't seem to find it.
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Prestashop Verified Reviews module.

Customers who read customer reviews convert three times more than other consumers. We offer a turnkey solution to collect, manage, analyze and publish reviews. We offer a solution to allow you to have a 360deg "voice of the customer" strategy. - Multi-channel collection - monitoring and moderation platform. - Statistics engine & verbatim analysis. Notice Syndication. Notice retrieval.
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What are the advantages of a Prestashop module with verified reviews ?

1 - A unique solution, quick and easy to set up. You can start collecting reviews from your customers right away by quickly learning how to use it. We may interview people whose orders are less than a year old. 2 - Review sites, product reviews and review institutions We collect three types of post-purchase review data: The review site allowing your customers to evaluate your online store; the product review and the institution review. All of our solutions can be customized to meet your needs, including customizing review campaign timelines and displaying widgets.
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What is PrestaShop ?

Want to launch an e-commerce site? PrestaShop is a brand you may have heard of. PrestaShop is easy to learn. PrestaShop, developed in France, allows you to create online stores using an open-source solution. PrestaShop is an e-commerce CMS (Content Management System). It allows you to manage the content of your e-commerce site. As you already know, this solution will allow you to easily manage your store.
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Prestashop Module Guaranteed Reviews Company.

Avis customer site and/or products, Google stars trust certificate, certificate of acceptance, auto-validation option, review file import Your avis customers can help you increase visibility of your store. We've got it covered: Our servers allow you to send review request messages to your customers. Collecting and certifying your reviews. Your website can help you develop your customer reviews. Your conversion rate can be increased. Google stars automatically applied to your listings will increase traffic. Your average basket will increase.
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Reviews verified in prestashop. What is that ?

In this connected era, where e-shops are developing at an exponential rate and where competition is intensifying, customer reviews are undoubtedly a very important lever. To determine if the merchant is trustworthy, a consumer will seek assurance from other customers who have had similar experiences. Credibility is enhanced by customer reviews that are present on Google search pages and on websites. They constitute a purchasing criterion for consumers. It is strongly recommended that an e-merchant collect, manage and distribute customer reviews after purchase.
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Other benefits at WEB2007:

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Available evenings and weekends
(except holidays and vacations)

How to fix a bug or problem on a Prestashop Verified Reviews module ?

If you have purchased a Verified Reviews module for Prestashop and you encounter a technical problem, Web2007 can assist you and troubleshoot. You should know that in almost all cases, the module works perfectly, the server or php error comes from a conflict with your theme or one of your other installed modules. A troubleshooting expert will first detect errors with Prestashop's debug mode. Here are the tips: To determine if the bug is due to your template, activate the default Prestashop template and then refresh the page. If the bug persists, it means that your model is not at fault. To determine if the bug is caused by one of your modules, disable each module and refresh the page that caused the problem. If the bug appears suddenly, you can start with the modules that were installed most recently. If the bug goes away when you disable a module, that means that module is responsible.
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