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Although the 500 error is quite common, it can have serious consequences for the development of your online store. It can prevent customers from accessing pages such as product pages. Depending on the server of your Prestashop online store, the error message may take one of the following forms: Error 500 (Internal Service Error), 500 - Internal Server Problem, HTTP ERROR 500 - HTTP Error 500, 500, 500, 500, or simply: Internal Server Failure. You need to act quickly to fix the problem and get your website back online. This anomaly is relatively easy to fix if you understand its root cause and apply the appropriate solutions.
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This 500 error is basically the web server's way of saying "Oops!". We can't say more, but an error has occurred. This is called a server-side problem. This means that the hosting service hosting the website has gone down. This warning is very general and usually indicates issues with PHP configuration, programming, or website permissions. Most often, the bug is accompanied by a brief explanation, similar to this one. The server reported an unexpected error and could not complete the client request. It's important not to confuse it with the HTTP404: page not found error, which we've also covered in this blog. You can always check it at any time. This error can occur in any browser or operating system. So no, the new Apple Mac Pro will not prevent you from meeting her at one time or another...).
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More than 80% of cases are due to the .htaccess file. Connect to FTP to correct the problem. Rename your .htaccess file to .htaccess.old
You may get a 500 error if you touch the folders and files (CHMOD) right. Unfortunately, all hosts have different rights to folders and files. Here is an example for OVH (the French leader): The root of your site must be located in 705 (by default at OVH). Other directories should not exceed 755. PHP/cgi scripts should not exceed 755. Some hosting companies require you to grant "write access" (or do a CHMOD 755) to your files or folders to install PrestaShop. After installation, be sure to set your folders to 755 or 775, and your files to 644. Important: Permissions set to 777 cannot be secured.
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Although this error might be thought to be server-related, "Error 500 Internal Server Error" is the name that appears on the screen. In reality, it is caused by an instruction that the server does not know or cannot interpret. This can impact your rankings as search engine crawlers come to your page and find a screen that is not what they expect to find. The 500 Prestashop error simply means that the server shows an error message after a request has been made. It should not be confused with the 404 error. This indicates that the destination web page is unavailable or not yet available. To resolve a 404 Prestashop error, you can use a 301 redirect. This 500 Prestashop error can be caused by many factors. Finding a solution quickly is important, especially if you want it to go away forever. For a quick solution, you can turn to a Prestashop agency.
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Prestashop is an amazing tool that thousands of people use every day to create online stores. You may encounter a 500 error, which is usually quite annoying, but easy to fix. Here's how to identify its source. Prestashop may not be installed on your domain. You may get a 500 error. The 500 error is specific in that you won't see a default error message in your browser. This is necessary to understand the origin of the error. For versions higher than 1.5.3, you can follow the following steps. You will need to do this in your FTP or directly through your SSH connection. Open the config/ file. Change the default setting of _PS_MODE_DEV from "False", to "True". This will put your website into debug mode, which will cause code errors to appear on your merchant website. Return to your website and refresh the page in your browser. You should now see an error message that you need to fix.
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It is common to simply look at your history and find the root cause of a 500 error. Did you just install a new Prestashop module? Have you changed any settings in your theme recently? You will need an ftp client to access your site files if you have just installed a theme or module. Once you are logged in, navigate to the module or theme folder and rename that folder. To verify that the error is gone, reload your site. If Prestashop is still not accessible or if the 500 error persists, you will have to rename each module folder by reloading your site each time. This will allow you to locate the module causing the problem. Once you have identified the module, you can activate it again. Once the operation is completed, do not forget to disable Prestashop debug mode. Analyze your web server's error logs: If these tips don't help, to find what's wrong, you'll need to look at your web server's logs. Apache logs are usually located in the /var/logs/apache2/ folder. To access the shared servers, you must log in to your customer area.
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If you don't have access to your server's error logs, you can view the error on the page. Reminder: Deactivation can be done in Settings > Notification rules > Right click on notification URL after payment > Deactivate the rule. Enable DEV mode in your Prestashop store to show errors. Replace the file in the configuration directory. define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false); by: define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true); Click the back to store button and make a test payment. Your error should appear on the screen. Once the error is detected, make sure to remove the DEV mode from your Prestashop store. Also enable the notification URL at the end of the payment.
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500 Internal Server Error" and "Internal Server error" are two common errors encountered when installing or using any web platform. These errors can be encountered with PrestaShop as well as WordPress, Shopify and Magento. One owner store manager can lose his life in the blink of an eye by receiving an HTTP 500 error. web developers and they need to get the store online fast before they lose a lot.This error, as terrible as it may seem, is not fatal.This article explains the error and provides some troubleshooting tips for your PrestaShop store. Instead of panicking and calling for help, you'll be ready to quickly fix the problem the next time you encounter it.These tips are applicable to other platforms, though PrestaShop is not your favorite platform. It is important not to confuse "HTTP 500" with "404 page not found". First, let's look at the different triggers that can cause the 500 error. This error can be triggered by many factors, as web hosts interpret messages differently. These are the most common causes of the 500 error.
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A hosting service usually does not give any information about the location or origin of 500 errors. You can access more information about the problem by enabling error reporting in your PrestaShop online store. To do this, open the config/ file via an FTP client. Then go to line 28 and replace define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false) with define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true). Once you enable error reporting, you can go to the front or back office of your online store to determine the cause. You can refresh the page containing the 500 error if you want to get more information and take appropriate action to fix it. If error reporting is not enabled, the server will send a message to inform you that the server reported an unexpected error and cannot fulfill the client request.
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In this case, you should examine the Apache and PHP error logs. You may need to contact your host to access files that are not provided by them. "Other solutions can be found on our forum" Even if you think it's obvious, if you have any PrestaShop data regarding the error log file or the error, you can do a Google search. Focus on the problem and add "PrestaShop" to your search. There are many tutorials and information available on the error. You will also find threads on the PrestaShop forum titled "[SOLVED]". It is worth reading them carefully. If you still have trouble understanding the message, feel free to join the PrestaShop forums to ask for help. With over a million members, you're sure to find the answers to your questions with the help of other users. There are also official PrestaShop support programs. They will allow you to contact us for the information you need.
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As with all servers, your server has a maximum response time for running scripts. (Example: Import a CSV or generate images for the store). This prevents scripts from looping endlessly on the server. If the timeout is exceeded, a 500 error is displayed. To correct this, just increase this time (30 seconds by default), go to the PHP settings of your Plesk, Cpanel, ect... and modify the "max_execution_time" line, put the desired time in seconds (For 2 minutes, it should be noted: 120) which will affect the configuration of the php.ini file. For information, the max_execution_time parameter is used to determine the maximum execution time of a script in seconds. The default configuration is 30 seconds. For security reasons, be sure to reset to default after you complete your CSV import. Hackers will have an easier time hacking into your site if they have a longer query time. If you don't have this setting, you'll need to contact your host. If your server's mcrypt function is not enabled, Prestashop will receive a 500 error.
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It is essential to enable error reporting while navigating in the front office and back office. This is called debug mode. This allows for more accurate and safer checking of Prestashop 500 errors. As mentioned above, the error report will allow your Prestashop web agency to locate the source of the problem more reliably, find out why it happened and provide Prestashop maintenance. If the Prestashop error 500 is caused by an issue that is poorly implemented or written in the code, it will also show the rows where the error occurred. You will need to check your server error log regularly for proper Prestashop maintenance. This file usually contains a simple text file that collects all errors that have occurred via the Internet. You can also check the 400 and 500 error logs, depending on whether the server is using Plesk, CPanel, or something else. Web2007 is a professional web agency that can manage your website.
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Regular PrestaShop updates are recommended to improve the security of your PrestaShop online store and allow you to access new features. It is important to remember that updates can cause bugs, including the 500 error. 500 errors are usually caused by outdated modules. You may find that some of your modules are not compatible with PrestaShop 1.5 or 1.7 and prevent you from seeing certain pages of your website. We recommend that you update all your modules if you encounter this type of problem. To find official modules compatible with your CMS version, visit the PrestaShop Add-ons Marketplace. A module setting error can also cause a 500 error. This problem is most often caused by incorrect module setting. To check if the bug is still present, go to the module folder and rename it.
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