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Welcome to the intervention specialist on Prestashop.
Web2007 is at your entire disposal for ALL your Prestashop needs.
Remember to go to: Preferences > SEO > URL Then in SHOP URL, enter the URL of your site in the SSLDOMAIN field. Then go to Preferences > General Settings. Then click Enable SSL at the top: "Click here to use HTTPS protocol before enabling SSL mode". A page will open in HTTPS with your site.
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The security of your PrestaShop store will decrease abandonment rates and increase conversion rates by reassuring customers. You will need an SSL certificate to enable PrestaShop SSL.
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In order to redirect urls to the https (ssl) domain, go to the back office > preferences > SEO & URLS and check that the "Domain" and "SSL domain" fields are filled in with your domain name including www. You can verify that SSL is working on your site by logging into PrestaShop administration and checking the https.
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Access your Mysql/MariaDB and other Prestashop databases. Enter the following command: Update ps_configuration set value=1 WHERE name='PS_SSL_ENABLED' OR name='PS_SSL_ENABLED_EVERYWHERE'. This will directly modify the configuration values that we have modified via the back-office. Don't forget to regenerate the .htaccess file by deleting it. Then go to "Traffic & SEO" -> and validate the domain form of your store.
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When you try to access the site in https, the Internet browser displays the http version. The following actions are recommended: Clear the cache of your applications or your site. Check that redirects to the http version are not included in the site's scripts and pages. Verify that the site's .htaccess file does not contain redirects for the http version. Set the default site address to be https .
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After the certificate authority issues the SSL certificate, you will need to install it on the web hosting. You can follow our tutorials to install an SSL certificate. If you purchased the SSL certificate from us, we will install it on your server and activate SSL on Prestashop for free. Log in to your Back Office, then go to General Settings to activate SSL on PrestaShop.
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You must enable HTTPS on your website to load all elements in HTTPS. Open your browser (Google Chrome) and click "Inspect". A browser window opens, taking up part of the screen. Click "Console" to open the menu. If you see "Mixed content", then your site is vulnerable because it contains content loaded in HTTP.
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This error can be displayed by your web browser. We recommend that you take the following steps: If the site uses a web application such as WordPress or Joomla, you can disable each extension one by one to identify which one is causing the problem. Check that there are no redirects to the http version in scripts and site pages. You can disable HSTS. If Prestashop is used, enable SSL on all pages.
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Sometimes they are not compatible with SSL. In these cases, the security padlock may not appear or display a warning. This means that PrestaShop loads the elements (images and .css or .js files, fonts ...) in "http", whereas now they should be loaded using "https".
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Two solutions are available to you to correct the links in http: 1/ You can either correct the problem on the fly by using smarty in the display templates of the TPL theme (I recommend the second option): long product descriptions 2/ You can also replace all URLs in the database, and in that case create a backup! Then login to PhpMyAdmin and run the following queries by substituting your domain name ps_configuration table
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To speed up browsing, web browsers store SSL certificates. This is normal and not a problem. Your browser's SSL state can cause problems if you create pages for your website or install new certificates. After installing a new SSL certificate, you may not see the padlock icon in the browser address bar. In this case, the first thing to do is to verify that the domain points to the server's IP address (A or AAAA records). If the correct SSL certificate was still returned, clear the SSL cache.
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Your store is now https, but it's important that you verify that all URL variations point to your store. In this case, the permanent/301 redirect is active, so everything is normal. Keep reading if not.
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If your site does not display style, you can check the loading of your pages by using the Console of your browser. You may see mixed content errors due to .css styling, which you need to fix to get them to load properly again.
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If your site does not seem to be in https, then you must open the .htaccess file located at the root of your hosting. After making a backup, add the following lines to the file. RewriteEngine On. RewriteCond %SERVER_PORT 80% Your PrestaShop store now has HTTPS/SSL security.
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After much research, it has been discovered that this is a bug of PrestaShop. You can fix it by overriding the Link.php class or more specifically by modifying the getProductLink function on line 94. This works by replacing the http:// with https://.
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If you have set up HTTPS or SSL for Prestashop and you encounter a technical problem, Web2007 can assist you and troubleshoot. You should know that in almost all cases, the server or php error comes from a conflict with your theme or one of your other installed modules. A troubleshooting expert will first detect errors with Prestashop's debug mode. Here are the tips: To determine if the bug is due to your template, activate the default Prestashop template and then refresh the page. If the bug persists, it means that your model is not at fault. To determine if the bug is caused by one of your modules, disable each module and refresh the page that caused the problem. If the bug appears suddenly, you can start with the modules that were installed most recently. If the bug goes away when you disable a module, that means that module is responsible.
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